CPE Gapped Sentences

For questions 1-5, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
The car hit a tree and .................... into flames.
A sudden .................... of energy made her decide to clean the house.
The river has .................... its banks.
He used to get into an awful .................... as exams approached.
You can't take a test in this .................... of mind.
The Prime Minister visits the Queen once a week to discuss affairs of .................... .
These shoes are a perfect .................... for the hat.
She hoped to arrange a .................... for her daughter.
A machine gun is no .................... for a tank.
Have a good cry and get it all out of your .................... .
Our first task was to create a new administrative .................... .
Don't eat that! It's very bad for your digestive .................... .
Women have a longer .................... expectancy than men.
There were no signs of .................... in the house.
It is now believed that there is no .................... on Mars.