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Noun + Preposition List

NP06 Logo anxiety about/over sth WORRY fear about what might happen Her anxiety about the pain of childbirth is understandable.
NP09 Logo book about/on sth TEXT a long written literary composition She has written a book about the island's rich history.
NP15 Logo concern about sb/sth WORRY a worried or nervous feeling about sth My main concern about moving to Rome is the cost of housing.
NP03 Logo confusion about/over sth UNCERTAINTY uncertainty about what is happening There is still confusion about who is responsible for the accident.
NP14 Logo debate about/on sth DISCUSSION a formal discussion of an issue This accident has sparked off an intense debate about road safety.
NP09 Logo discussion about sb/sth DEBATE a conversation about sb/sth We held a stormy discussion about this problem.
NP02 Logo dispute about/over sth ARGUMENT a disagreement or argument There was a dispute about what to do with the extra money.
NP09 Logo opinion about/on sb/sth VIEW a thought or belief about sb/sth They had a difference of opinion about their child's education.
NP05 Logo preconception about sth ASSUMPTION a preconceived idea or prejudice This book will challenge your preconceptions about rural life.
NP09 Logo quarrel about/over sth ARGUMENT an angry argument or disagreement We had a bitter quarrel about some money two weeks ago.
NP13 Logo query about sth QUESTION a question for a piece of information Have you got any queries about what you're supposed to do?
NP07 Logo reservation about sb/sth DOUBT a feeling of doubt about sth His only reservation about buying the bike was its high price.
NP02 Logo revelation about/over sth DISCLOSURE surprising fact that is made known The book includes many revelations about her personal life.
NP02 Logo sketch about sth SATIRE a short, funny performance The drama group did a sketch about a man buying a new house.
NP02 Logo speculation about/on sth GUESS ideas about sth that is not known This ends months of speculation about the firm's future.
NP02 Logo uncertainty about sth DOUBT the state of being uncertain They are facing some uncertainty about their jobs.
NP16 Logo campaign against sth MOVEMENT a planned set of activities He led a successful campaign against the closure of the library.
NP05 Logo attempt at sth EFFORT an act of trying to do something They had to abandon any further attempt at negotiation.
NP03 Logo attendance at sth PRESENCE the number of persons present The team wants to double attendance at its games this season.
NP07 Logo sorrow at/over sth GRIEF a feeling of immense sadness Lucy expressed her sorrow at the news of his death.
NP10 Logo choice between sth ACT an act or the possibility of choosing It was a straight choice between my career or my family.
NP15 Logo comparison between sth CONTRAST the act of examining resemblances The article makes a comparison between the two poems.
NP14 Logo difference between sb/sth NOT THE SAME the quality of being dissimilar The difference between the two phones is negligible.
NP12 Logo relationship between/and CONNECTION the state of being connected There is a relationship between diet and cancer.
NP05 Logo aptitude for sth TALENT natural ability or skill at doing sth At an early age Tony showed an aptitude for mathematics.
NP08 Logo cheque for sth MONEY a form used to make a payment I sent them my order, together with a cheque for £90.
NP01 Logo craving for sth DESIRE a strong desire for something Symptoms of PMS include a craving for sweet food.
NP17 Logo cure for sth MEDICINE medical treatment that cures an illness Researchers are hoping to find a cure for the disease.
NP10 Logo demand for sth REQUEST a strong request It is difficult to forecast the demand for the new train service.
NP15 Logo desire for sth WANT a strong feeling that you want sth He was motivated by a deep desire for money and fame.
NP01 Logo distaste for sth DISLIKE a strong feeling of not liking sb or sth She's developed a real distaste for paperwork.
NP08 Logo excuse for sth REASON the cause of something He had no valid excuse for not finishing his homework.
NP01 Logo flair for sth TALENT a natural ability to do something well He's a normal 10-year-old kid, but he has a flair for music.
NP17 Logo inspiration for sb/sth IDEAS an inspiring agent or influence The sea has provided an inspiration for many of her paintings.
NP13 Logo need for sth NECESSITY a situation when sth is necessary There is an urgent need for food and water.
NP17 Logo pity for sb/sth SYMPATHY a feeling of sympathy and sadness I felt such pity for that woman sitting alone on the bench.
NP10 Logo preference for sb/sth LIKING something or someone preferred A teacher should not show preference for any one of his pupils.
NP11 Logo punishment for sth CRIME the act of punishing someone The actor was given a stiff punishment for using drugs.
NP01 Logo quest for sth SEARCH a long search for something Industries are still engaged in a quest for increased productivity.
NP08 Logo reason for sth EXPLANATION a cause for sth that has happened Is there a reason for your strange behaviour?
NP12 Logo recipe for sth FORMULA a method or an idea Low local taxes are not always a recipe for electoral success.
NP06 Logo remedy for sth SOLUTION a way of solving a problem Salt water is a good home remedy for a sore throat.
NP03 Logo remorse for sth DEEP REGRET deep regret for a wrong committed She felt no remorse for the crimes she had committed.
NP12 Logo respect for sb/sth ADMIRATION polite behaviour towards somebody In Japan you are taught great respect for your elders.
NP11 Logo responsibility for sth BLAME blame for sth that has happened Susan disclaimed any responsibility for the accident.
NP14 Logo room for sb/sth SPACE the amount of space that sb/sth needs Is there enough room for my car in your garage?
NP14 Logo struggle for sth EFFORT a strenuous exertion or effort Four teams are locked in a struggle for this year's title.
NP06 Logo substitute for sb/sth REPLACEMENT a thing serving in place of another Watching the film is a poor substitute for reading the book.
NP13 Logo sympathy for sb CARE the feeling of being sorry for sb I've got no sympathy for her, but I feel sorry for her husband.
NP08 Logo talent for sth APTITUDE a natural ability to do sth well He displayed his talent for music at the event.
NP04 Logo triumph for sb SUCCESS a great success or achievement Quitting alcohol was a personal triumph for Dave.
NP07 Logo vacancy for sb/sth JOB a job that is available for sb to do There is a vacancy for a shop assistant at weekends.
NP03 Logo abstinence from sth ABSTAIN the practice of abstaining from sth The patient should practise total abstinence from alcohol.
NP04 Logo deduction from sth CONCLUSION the act or process of deducting All you can do is make deductions from the available facts.
NP09 Logo departure from sth LEAVING an act of leaving a place The time for my departure from China was drawing nearer.
NP02 Logo deviation from sth DIVERGENCE departure from a standard or norm Having juice instead of tea was a deviation from her usual routine.
NP09 Logo escape from sth FORGET a way of forgetting sth unpleasant For me, travel is an escape from the boredom of her everyday life.
NP02 Logo extract from sth EXCERPT a short passage taken from a text, film The anthology includes extracts from the works of several authors.
NP06 Logo freedom from sth NOT AFFECTED the state of not being affected by sth Freedom from tyranny is a principle we should always defend.
NP05 Logo independence from sth AUTONOMY the state of being independent Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898.
NP09 Logo passage from sth PART a portion or section of a written work Anne quoted a short passage from the Bible.
NP10 Logo protection from sth GUARDING the act of protecting sb/sth The high walls give the garden protection from the wind.
NP09 Logo relief from sth HAPPINESS the feeling of happiness The holiday was a welcome relief from the pressure of work.
NP02 Logo refuge from sb/sth SHELTER shelter or protection from danger A lot of people crossed the border, seeking refuge from the war.
NP02 Logo respite from sth REST a pause from sth unpleasant For a brief time there was a nice respite from the conflict.
NP11 Logo retirement from sth CAREER the state of being retired Shortly after her defeat she announced her retirement from sport.
NP04 Logo retreat from sth POSITION go away from a place or person They passed through the city on its retreat from the battlefield.
NP02 Logo transition from sth CHANGE a change from one state to another The country made a transition from dictatorship to democracy.
NP07 Logo withdrawal from/of sth TAKING AWAY an act of taking something away The colonel authorised the withdrawal of troops from the fields.
NP08 Logo confidence in sb/sth CERTAINTY a feeling that you can do sth well The workers all have confidence in their foreman.
NP08 Logo decrease in sth REDUCTION the act of becoming smaller Studies report a recent decrease in traffic accidents.
NP06 Logo deficiency in sth SHORTAGE a lack of something that is needed Some elderly people suffer from iron deficiency in their diet.
NP08 Logo delay in sth WAIT a period of time by which sth is late There has been a delay in the record's publication.
NP01 Logo delight in sth PLEASURE a feeling of great pleasure Sarah seems to take great delight in teasing her brother.
NP03 Logo diligence in sth GREAT EFFORT careful work or great effort He showed great diligence in tracking down the story.
NP01 Logo hesitation in sth PAUSING the act of pausing before doing sth I had no hesitation in recommending her for the position.
NP11 Logo increase in sth RISE a rise in the amount or size of sth Priests have witnessed an increase in religious intolerance.
NP03 Logo insight into sth PERCEPTION an understanding of what sth is like We need to gain insight into the politics of the region.
NP08 Logo interest in sth INVOLVEMENT a sense of curiosity about sb/sth At university she developed an interest in astronomy.
NP13 Logo investigation into sth EXAMINATION an official examination of the facts The coroner ordered an investigation into the man's death.
NP10 Logo partner in sth OWNER one of the owners of a company He became a partner in the family firm.
NP16 Logo pride in sth SATISFACTION a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction We take great pride in offering the best service in town.
NP14 Logo reduction in sth DECREASE the act of making smaller The government is aiming at a 20% reduction in unemployment.
NP15 Logo rise in sth INCREASE an increase in an amount December has seen a large rise in the number of unemployed.
NP12 Logo root(s) in sth CAUSE the cause of something bad The unrest has roots in religious differences.
NP07 Logo setback in sth PROBLEM an event that makes you lose progress She has suffered a serious setback in her political career.
NP17 Logo shift in sth CHANGE a change in position or direction The war brought about a shift in the balance of power.
NP17 Logo specialist in sth EXPERT an expert in a particular subject This professor is a specialist in modern English literature.
NP17 Logo success in sth ACHIEVEMENT the achieving of the results wanted I admire him for his success in finding a job.
NP05 Logo surge in sth INCREASE a sudden and great increase There has been a surge in electric vehicle prices recently.
NP01 Logo virtue in sth ADVANTAGE an advantage or good thing Would there be any virtue in taking an earlier bus?
NP14 Logo advantage of sth EDGE superiority of position The advantage of the plan is its simplicity.
NP01 Logo ally of sb PARTNER sb who helps and supports sb else He is known to be a longtime ally of the Prime Minister.
NP01 Logo avoidance of sth NOT DOING the act of avoiding sth or sb Avoidance of hypoglycemia after exercise is important.
NP01 Logo breach of sth BROKEN RULE an act of breaking a law, promise Many people consider his decision to be a breach of trust.
NP13 Logo cause of sth REASON the reason why sth happens They are investigating the cause of the accident.
NP04 Logo denial of sth NOT TRUE a statement saying that sth is not true He issued a flat denial of the charges made against him.
NP09 Logo description of sb/sth DEPICTION sth that tells you what sb/sth is like The witness was unable to provide a description of the robber.
NP14 Logo discovery of sth FINDING the act of finding sth for the first time The discovery of oil acted as a stimulus to industrial development.
NP01 Logo drawback of sth DISADVANTAGE something that causes problems The only drawback of the plan is that it costs too much.
NP09 Logo example of sth TYPICAL CASE a thing characteristic of its kind Can you show me an example of what you mean?
NP03 Logo exclusion of sth EXCLUDING the act or an instance of excluding Exclusion of air creates a vacuum in the tank.
NP16 Logo guarantee of sth PROMISE a promise or assurance Career success is no guarantee of happiness.
NP12 Logo intention of sth AIM sth that you want and plan to do She had no intention of paying for the meal.
NP17 Logo invasion of sth INCURSION the act of invading something The Second World War began with the invasion of Poland.
NP09 Logo lack of sth SHORTAGE the state of not having enough of sth He was becoming increasingly impatient at her lack of interest.
NP01 Logo mastery of sth CONTROL complete control of something The allied bombers had total mastery of the skies.
NP05 Logo mistrust of sb/sth LACK OF TRUST lack of trust or confidence My grandmother has a profound mistrust of anything new.
NP16 Logo neglect of sb/sth LACK OF CARE lack of care and attention The official was dismissed for neglect of his duty.
NP12 Logo origin of sth BEGINNING the beginning or cause of something The origin of the word is something of a puzzle.
NP06 Logo portent of sth OMEN a sign that sth bad is likely to happen The event proved to be a portent of the disaster that was to come.
NP10 Logo proof of sth EVIDENCE any factual evidence His account gives us no concrete proof of her guilt.
NP04 Logo recipient of sth BENEFICIARY a person who receives something Throughout her life she would be the recipient of many awards.
NP15 Logo result of sth EFFECT sth that is caused by sth else Losing weight is an indirect result of smoking cigarettes.
NP11 Logo risk of sth POSSIBILITY the possibility of sth bad happening Smoking increases the risk of coronary heart disease.
NP07 Logo scarcity of sth SHORTAGE a very small supply There is a great scarcity of food in these areas.
NP09 Logo smell of sth AROMA an act or instance of smelling The smell of lavender lingered faintly in the room.
NP16 Logo survivor of sth ACCIDENT someone who hasn't died There was only one survivor of the plane crash.
NP15 Logo taste of sth FLAVOUR the flavour of something I like the taste of beer and enjoy trying different kinds.
NP13 Logo trace of sb/sth SIGN a sign that something has happened They had found no trace of the missing climbers.
NP08 Logo advice on sth OPINION an opinion about what sb should do I need some advice on which computer to buy.
NP08 Logo attack (up)on sb/sth VIOLENT ACT a violent, harmful act against sb/sth Her attack on the manager led to her instant dismissal.
NP02 Logo authority on sth EXPERT an expert on a subject He's a world authority on 17th-century French history.
NP02 Logo ban on sth PROHIBITION an official or legal prohibition Ecuador announced a ban on fishing for shrimps.
NP04 Logo consensus on/about sth AGREEMENT a general agreement about sth Can we reach a consensus on this matter? Let's take a vote.
NP02 Logo expenditure on sth COSTS an amount of money spent Our annual expenditure on training has been carefully budgeted.
NP10 Logo expert on/in sth SPECIALIST a person with special knowledge People on the tour will be escorted by an expert on archaeology.
NP08 Logo effect (up)on sth RESULT the result of a particular influence The experience has had a negative effect on Jimmy.
NP06 Logo impact (up)on sth EFFECT a marked effect or influence The stress of his job is having a negative impact on his health.
NP02 Logo influence (up)on sb/sth EFFECT the power to affect sb or sth She had considerable influence on younger musicians.
NP08 Logo information on/about sth DETAILS facts or details about sth or sb Do you have any information about bus times?
NP03 Logo jinx on sb/sth BAD LUCK a person or thing that brings bad luck There must be a jinx on our team - two of our players were sick.
NP05 Logo onslaught on sb/sth ATTACK a strong or violent attack The attackers launched another vicious onslaught on their victim.
NP07 Logo outlook on sth OPINION a person's general attitude to life The book totally changed his outlook on politics.
NP11 Logo policy on sth PLAN a set of statements of principles Britain is to adopt a more restrictive policy on arms sales.
NP15 Logo remark on/about sb/sth COMMENT a written or spoken comment They made rude remarks on the older woman.
NP16 Logo strain on sth PRESSURE a feeling of stress and worry Money problems have put a strain on their relationship.
NP02 Logo verdict on sth JUDGEMENT a judgement or opinion about sth Teenagers have issued a decisive verdict on their high schools.
NP11 Logo access to sth REACH a way of entering or reaching a place There is no access to the street through that door.
NP06 Logo allusion to sb/sth REMARK a brief or indirect reference She made some allusion to the years they lived in Paris.
NP01 Logo alternative to sth OPTION a choice or option Disillusioned voters want an alternative to the two main parties.
NP08 Logo answer to sth SOLUTION a solution to a problem The police do not have an answer to rising crime.
NP11 Logo attitude to(wards) sb/sth OPINION the way you think about sb/sth The government has taken a positive attitude to this problem.
NP01 Logo aversion to sb/sth DISLIKE a strong feeling of not liking sth Some people have a deep aversion to modern technology.
NP13 Logo cruelty to/towards sb BRUTALITY cruel behaviour or a cruel action Nothing will excuse her cruelty to her children.
NP08 Logo damage to sth HARM harm or injury The storm had caused serious damage to the building.
NP04 Logo devotion to sb/sth LOYALTY great love, care for sb/sth Her devotion to her husband and family is touching.
NP17 Logo engagement to sb MARRIAGE a formal agreement to get married Paul announced his engagement to his long-time girlfriend.
NP03 Logo exception to sth RULES a case where a rule does not apply There are always many exceptions to grammar rules.
NP01 Logo fidelity to sth LOYALTY the quality of being faithful No one can doubt his fidelity to his wife.
NP17 Logo heir to sth SUCCESSOR a person who inherits He was the sole heir to the family fortune.
NP17 Logo injury to sb/sth WOUND harm that is done or sustained Neil sustained an injury to his spine when he fell off his horse.
NP14 Logo insult to sb/sth OFFENSIVE an offensive remark or action The questions were a real insult to our intelligence.
NP08 Logo invitation to sth EVENT the act of inviting sb to go to an event Thanks for the invitation to the Christmas Party.
NP14 Logo key to sth SECRET a thing that makes achieve sth The key to success is to be ready from the start.
NP16 Logo objection to/against sth DISAPPROVAL an expression of disapproval His objection to the plan is based on incorrect facts.
NP16 Logo obligation to(wards) sb DUTY the fact that you are obliged to do sth He is under an obligation to his adoptive mother.
NP01 Logo prelude to sth INTRODUCTION a preliminary to an action, event The dark clouds were a prelude to the hurricane.
NP13 Logo reaction to sth BEHAVIOUR the act or process of reacting There has been a mixed reaction to the changes.
NP05 Logo reference to sb/sth MENTION a mention of something There is no direct reference to his own childhood in the book.
NP15 Logo relevance to sth CONNECTION the condition of being relevant What Helen said has no direct relevance to the matter.
NP08 Logo reply to sth ANSWER sth said, written, or done as an answer She got some interesting replies to her post about cooking.
NP07 Logo resemblance to sb/sth LIKENESS the state of looking like someone else She bears a striking resemblance to her mother.
NP11 Logo similarity to sb/sth RESEMBLANCE the state of being similar to sb/sth The area bears a superficial similarity to south Dublin.
NP10 Logo solution to sth ANSWER the answer to a problem Her plan does not offer a real solution to the problem.
NP07 Logo stimulus to sth INCENTIVE sth that causes growth or activity Interest rates could fall soon and be a stimulus to industry.
NP13 Logo thanks to sb/sth BECAUSE OF because of someone or something Thanks to your help, we were successful.
NP12 Logo threat to sb/sth DANGER sb/sth that could cause trouble, harm Oil spills pose a serious threat to marine life.
NP12 Logo transfer to sth MOVE an act or instance of transferring She has asked for a transfer to the company's London branch.
NP05 Logo tribute to sb/sth PRAISE showing the good effects of sb/sth The pyramids are a remarkable tribute to Egyptian ingenuity.
NP06 Logo acquaintance with sb FRIENDSHIP slight friendship I first met Helen in 2019 and struck up an acquaintance with her.
NP03 Logo affinity with/for sb/sth LIKING a liking or sympathy for sb or sth Sam was born in the country and had a deep affinity with nature.
NP13 Logo agreement with sb SAME OPINION harmony in opinion or feeling The theatre has reached an agreement with striking actors.
NP07 Logo alliance with sb/sth UNION a group of people who work together The Greens are now in alliance with the Social Democrats.
NP02 Logo association with sb/sth CONNECTION a connection between things/people He denied having any association with terrorists.
NP02 Logo clash with sb FIGHT a fight or argument between people Many protesters were injured in a recent clash with the police.
NP05 Logo compliance with sth OBEDIENCE the act of obeying a law or rule There has been a low rate of compliance with the new law.
NP09 Logo connection with sth LINK sth that connects two facts, ideas Her resignation must have some connection with the scandal.
NP02 Logo encounter with sb/sth MEETING a meeting that is not planned He had an alarming encounter with a wild dog.
NP14 Logo harmony with sth MATCH a state of peaceful existence Our actions were in harmony with our words.
NP15 Logo interview with sb/sth QUESTIONING the questioning of a person Did you hear the interview with her on the radio?
NP06 Logo link with/to sb/sth CONNECTION a connection between people, things The government has established trade links with other countries.
NP02 Logo obsession with sb/sth COMPULSION the state of being obsessed with sth His obsession with sports cars began two years ago.
NP10 Logo patience with sb/sth QUALITY the quality of being patient No wonder people have such little patience with new technology.
NP10 Logo quarrel with sb ARGUMENT an angry argument or disagreement Helen had a terrible quarrel with her younger sister.
NP09 Logo relationship with sb FRIENDSHIP the way in which two people feel She has a very good relationship with her mother-in-law.
NP02 Logo solidarity with sb UNITY a feeling of unity between people She voiced her solidarity with the weak and defenceless.
NP09 Logo trouble with sb/sth DIFFICULTIES problems or difficulties They've never had much trouble with vandals around here.
Logo - CEFR-Level A1 (Beginner)
Logo - CEFR-Level A2 (Pre-Intermediate)
Logo - CEFR-Level B1 (Intermediate)
Logo - CEFR-Level B2 (Upper-Intermediate)
Logo - CEFR-Level C1 (Advanced)
Logo - CEFR-Level C2 (Proficiency)

sth - something | sb - somebody