WB39 | aero- | adj, n | relating to the air or aircraft | aero + adj aero + n |
dynamic => aerodynamic plane => aeroplane |
WB38 | anti- | adj, n | opposition, prevention | anti + adj anti + n |
social => antisocial theft => antitheft |
WB38 | astro- | n | relating to the stars or outer space | astro + n | physics => astrophysics |
WB40 | audio- | adj, n | relating to sound or hearing | audio + adj audio + n |
visual => audiovisual tape => audiotape |
WB39 | auto- | adj, n | self, same | auto + adj auto + n |
motive => automotive changer => autochanger |
WB10 | be- | v | make or treat somebody/something as, about | be + rw be + rw |
little => belittle speak => bespeak |
WB42 | bi- | adj, n | two, twice | bi + adj bi + n |
lingual => bilingual cycle => bicycle |
WB38 | bio- | adj, n | connected with human life or living things | bio + adj bio + n |
degradable => biodegradable chemistry => biochemistry |
WB14 | co- | adj, adv, n, v | together with | co + adj co + adv co + n co + v |
educational => co-educational operatively => cooperatively star => co-star exist => coexist |
WB10 WB17 WB36 WB37 | de- | adj, n, v | the opposite of, removing something | de + adj de + n de + v |
gradable => degradable valuation => devaluation activate => deactivate |
WB42 | deca- | n | ten | deca + n | litre => decalitre |
WB31 WB32 WB33 WB34 WB35 WB01 WB17 WB36 WB37 | dis- | adj, adv, n, v | the opposite of, not (used before words that begin with a consonant or a vowel) | dis + adj dis + adv dis + n dis + v |
honest => dishonest agreeably => disagreeably advantage => disadvantage appear => disappear |
WB10 | en- | v | put into or onto, cause to be, cover with (used before words that begin with a consonant or a vowel (except for b, m or p) | en + rw en + rw |
courage => encourage slave => enslave |
WB10 | em- | v | another form of the prefix en- (used before words that start with b, m or p) | em + rw = b em + rw = p |
bed => embed power => empower |
WB14 | fore- | n, v | in advance, before | fore + n fore + v |
word => foreword tell => foretell |
WB39 | hydro- | adj, n | relating to water, or using water | hydro + adj hydro + n |
electric => hydroelectric therapy => hydrotherapy |
WB31 WB32 WB33 WB34 WB35 WB01 | il- | adj, adv, n | the opposite of, not (always used before words that start with l) | il + adj = l il + adv = l il + n = l |
literate => illiterate legally => illegally legitimacy => illegitimacy |
WB31 WB32 WB33 WB34 WB35 WB01 | im- | adj, adv, n | the opposite of, not (usually before words that start with b, m or p) | im + rw = b im + rw = m im + rw = p |
balance => imbalance mature => immature possible => impossible |
WB31 WB32 WB33 WB34 WB35 WB01 WB02 WB36 WB37 | in- | adj, adv, n | the opposite of, not (used before words that begin with a consonant or a vowel (except for i or u) | in + adj in + adv in + n |
accurate => inaccurate effectively => ineffectively fallibility => infallibility |
WB40 | inter- | adj, n, v | between, connection | inter + adj inter + n inter + v |
national => international face => interface lock => interlock |
WB31 WB32 WB33 WB34 WB35 WB01 | ir- | adj, adv, n | the opposite of, not (used before words that start with r) | ir + adj = r ir + adv = r ir + n = r |
reparable => irreparable refutably => irrefutably rationality => irrationality |
WB17 | mal- | adj, n, v | bad or badly, not correct or correctly | mal + adj mal + n mal + v |
odorous => malodorous nutrition => malnutrition function => malfunction |
WB33 WB34 WB35 WB17 WB36 WB37 | mis- | n, v | bad or wrong, badly or wrongly | mis + n mis + v |
fortune => misfortune behave => misbehave |
WB42 | mono- | adj, n | single, one | mono + adj mono + n |
syllabic => monosyllabic culture => monoculture |
WB42 | multi- | adj, n | more than one | multi + adj multi + n |
coloured => multicoloured pack => multipack |
WB38 | neo- | adj, n | a new and different form of something that existed in the past | neo + adj neo + n |
classical => neoclassical colonialism => neocolonialism |
WB17 | non- | adj, adv, n | not | non + adj non + adv non + n |
stop => nonstop committally => noncommittally sense => nonsense |
WB40 | omni- | adj, n | everything or everywhere | omni + adj omni + n |
present => omnipresent science => omniscience |
WB14 | out- | adj, n, v | in a manner that is greater, better, or more than something else | out + adj out + n out + v |
going => outgoing patient => outpatient play => outplay |
WB14 | over- | adv, adj, n, v | too much or too great, so as to be better or beyond, above | over + adj over + adv over + n over + v |
weight => overweight confidently => overconfidently statement => overstatement rate => overrate |
WB39 | photo- | adj, n, v | relating to light or photography | photo + adj photo + n photo + v |
sensitive => photosensitive cell => photocell copy => photocopy |
WB40 | post- | adj, n | after | post + adj post + n |
war => postwar graduate => postgraduate |
WB40 | pre- | adj, n, v | before, already | pre + adj pre + n pre + v |
dominant => predominant conception => preconception occupy => preoccupy |
WB39 | pseudo- | adj, n | false or not real | pseudo + adj pseudo + n |
democratic => pseudo-democratic science => pseudoscience |
WB41 | re- | n, v | again, again in a better way, back to a former state | re + n re + v |
construction => reconstruction create => recreate |
WB42 | semi- | adj, n | half, partly but not completely | semi + adj semi + n |
automatic => semi-automatic circle => semicircle |
WB17 WB40 | sub- | adj, n | below, less than, under, a smaller part of something | sub + adj sub + n |
standard => substandard section => subsection |
WB38 | tele- | adj, n, v | distant, at a distance, over a distance, connected with television | tele + adj tele + n tele + v |
graphic => telegraphic vision => television cast => telecast |
WB40 | trans- | adj, v | across, between two things | trans + adj trans + n |
oceanic => transoceanic plant => transplant |
WB42 | tri- | adj, n | three | tri + adj tri + n |
lingual => trilingual cycle => tricycle |
WB31 WB32 WB33 WB34 WB35 WB01 WB02 WB36 WB37 | un- | adj, adv, n, v | the opposite of, not (used before words that begin with a consonant or a vowel) | un + adj un + adv un + n un + v |
able => unable consciously => unconsciously truth => untruth follow => unfollow |
adj - adjective | adv - adverb | n - noun | v - verb | rw - root word
Example #1: rw = p - a root word that start with p
Example #2: un + adj - the prefix un is added to an adjective